Friday, January 29, 2016

How to talk and email Professors.

I enjoy talking with Professors at my university. They help me by answering questions about classes or the university. It can be scary talking with Professors. I was nervous when I first started talking to them. Professor can be intimidating at first. I realized that professors are nice people and want to help students succeed in college. Emailing professors is another thing I have done in college. There are a few things to consider when talking or emailing to a professor. Remember these are general tips and these tips may not apply to all professors.

·        Use their title. We need to show respect to our professors. Some professors will want to be called Doctor or Professor. If a professor does not tell you which title to use, ask them what title they prefer to be called by.

·        Open Office hours or appointments only.  It is important to find out when the professor is available. The syllabus will state if they are open office hours or appointments only. This is the time to talk to them when you have a question.  If you cannot talk with a professor on campus, emailing a professor is good option.

·        State your objective.  When you are talking to a professor, explain why you are talking to them. Is it a question about the university, the class, homework, or a specific major? This will help the professor to answer your questions instead of guessing why you are there. This would also apply to emailing a professor for the same reasons.

·        Use correct grammar. This would apply to speaking and emailing a professor. Using correct grammar shows that you are professional. Always proof your emails before you send your emails and think before you speak.

These are the tips I use when talking and emailing to professors. I would love to hear your tips about talking and emailing to professors.

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