Friday, January 6, 2017


As a college student, I feel like the word relax is a foreign concept. There are many responsibilities that college student have. In this day, people have a mindset of always going and never stopping. This is not good for people to do. It is a hard struggle balancing responsibilities and relaxation. Everyone struggles with finding this balance in life. College students need to find this balance especially during the college years. Homework, work, family, and personal struggles are some things that college students have. One can burn themselves out during college. Trust me, I have done this in my short time in college. Here are ways I find the balance of work and play time.
- Have a hobby while in college. I like to do hand lettering, color, watch Netflix for an hour each day. This gives me the relaxation I need each day. You need to take time to do something fun each day. This will help you be less overwhelmed with your responsibilities.
- Time yourself. Finish some tasks and then do something fun. I like to work for one hour then "play" for one hour. There are a variety of apps that help you with this. Sometimes I like to read a couple of chapters then take a ten minute break. It depends on the assignment on how I will time my work and play time. 
- Eating helps me relax. Yes, I know this is weird way to relax but it helps me relax. I like to eat my favorite foods/snacks. Chocolate, guacamole &chips, Asian snacks, vegetables with ranch, and ramen are some of my favorite things to eat.
- Post it notes and my planner help me keep up with my responsibilities. Writing reminders down is really helpful. There are so many responsibilities to remember as a college student. It can be easy to forget a test date or homework assignment.

This is the first post of a new series. The series is called :Making 2017 great. How do you keep the balance of work and play time? Don't forget to check Instagram @awordwithlm and Facebook @A word with Liu Miao: ParrieLiu

Monday, January 2, 2017

Happy New Year 2017

I cannot believe that it is a new year! I apologize for not blogging regularly. There is so much going on right now. This year I will have a regularly schedule for posts. My holiday break has been great. I have two weeks left of vacation left. School is quickly approaching again. I am very excited for the new year and I have many ideas for the blog this year. Thank you for following A Word with Liu Miao and I hope that I can help you with my writing.  There are a few secrets that I want to share and some of these secretes explain why I haven’t posted on a consistent basis:

-      I have been going through some health and school problems. I didn’t have the energy to write for the blog and I needed to rest.  Even though I did well this past semester, it was a hard semester dealing with school and health problems. This spring semester, it is a lighter load and I will be able to keep up with the blog.

-      During the fall semester, I was in the process of changing my major. I went from biology to psychology with a minor in Spanish. I needed time to think about it. There are several reasons that I change and I will go into detail in another post.

-      I am working on a project which is taking a lot of time. It is a writing project. I can’t give details until it is done. There is a possibility the project doesn’t work, but I think the project will work great.

- I am traveling to Europe this summer! I have been given this amazing opportunity to travel.

Stay tuned for upcoming posts. I have much planned for the blog! What are you doing for your holiday break? Happy 2017