Saturday, January 16, 2016

How to destress while in college.

It's that time of year again. Most people have started college or will be starting very soon. Stress is them emotion that many college students feel. Classes, homework, friends & family, and job are things most college students deal with. My first semester of college of college was stressfy and I wasn't working at the time. These are tips that I have learned on how to relax. We all should focus on our studies but we also need to have a break every now and then.

Coloring books help me relax. It calms me. Doing other creative things also help me relax. Drawing, origami, and painting are good activities that can help you relax.

Hanging out with Friends or family.
There are times that you need to have fun with people. I like to attend college group. It's where I can hang out with people my age and I don't have to worry about school. Try to set a time once a month to do something fun with someone.

Sometimes I need to walk around when I am stressed. It makes me feel better. Any type of exercise can be relaxing. It can help you let off frustration.

Bubble baths
This is one of my favorite thing to do. It is so relaxing and it is nice to lay in  the tub. I like to play music while I lay in the tub.

Please Comment below. I would love to hear how you guys relax. 

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