Saturday, July 29, 2017

Take Chances

Hello readers! Today I want to share an important life lesson I am learning. No I don't have this life lesson figured out but I have encountered this life lesson a lot in the past year. Taking chances is very scary. We face this situations frequently. We have two choices: stay in our comfort zone or step out and take chances. I tend to stay in my comfort zone. I don't like chance and I prefer to know what will happen. I am boring.

Here are some situations when I stepped out of my comfort zone:

Then last autumn, I started to step out of my comfort zone. I talked with the Spanish profesora (which I wasn't in her class) and helped her with Mesa de espaƱol.  This is where I helped Spanish 1 students practice their Spanish. This was so out of my comfort zone, but this experience helped me so much. 

In the spring, I was the professor's assistant. I helped her in her Spanish 1 class. I was nervous helping her because I wasn't confident in my Spanish.

I participated in my school symposium. This involves making a poster for my presentation and talking about my presentation. Public speaking makes me nervous.

I went to Switzerland by myself. This was an amazing experience. It was my first time flying international. Airports scare me since they are so big. 

In each of these experiences, I had to step out of my comfort zone. I learned so much from theses experiences. My Spanish improved, I learned how to be a TA, public speaking improved, learn to fly international, and make memories in a new country are the things that I gained from the past year. If I had sad no to one of these situations, I would have missed out something amazing. I have learned so much from stepping out of my comfort zone.

~Liu Miao~


  1. So good! Stepping outside of my comfort zone is so worth it!

    1. Thank you for the sweet comment. I appreciate you reading this post. I am sorry for taking a long time to reply back. I am working on connecting with readers more often
