Monday, March 14, 2016

Saving Money in college.

I apologize for not posting in forever. I have been busy with coursework. Since it is spring break in the States, I thought this would be a good topic to write about it. I like to save when I can. It’s nice when I can save money on my spring break activities. While starting college, I have learned that college is expensive. I have learned a few ways to save money without sacrificing fun. Being smart with money is important to learn. It will show that you can be responsible. Let’s show the world that not all college students are broke. I hope these tips can benefit you.

1)   Bring your own food. I have saved money by not eating in the cafeteria. I am not saying never eat in the cafeteria just not eat there often. A person can prepare a tasty lunch that is cheaper than buying it at the cafeteria. Bringing your own lunch can be healthier. I am able to eat fruits that are not offered at the cafĂ©.  There are so many options when it comes to bringing your own lunch. It can be a hassle to bring your own lunch but it is worth it in the end.

2)   Find free stuff at your school. My school offers free activities and activities at a reduced price. This is a great way to save money and socialize with people. Some schools offer free services. For example, they offer free printing, counseling sessions, tutoring services, use of fitness center. Take advantage of these free services. I have used some of these services at my school and it has helped me greatly.

3)   Use your student ID. There are several places that will give discounts to college students.  Some restaurants, stores, and online websites offer great discounts. I know certain movies theaters give discounts too. These discounts will vary depending on where you live.

Have a lovely day and spring break. I would like to hear your opinions or topic ideas about the blog.

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