Monday, December 18, 2017

A reflection of 2017

I can't believe 2017 is coming to an end. I decided to include my best nine from Instagram.  I love that 3 of 9 pictures are Vietnamese food.This year was so amazing. It was full of adventure and growth for me personally and for A Word with Liu Miao. Here are some thoughts about this year:

  • I went on my first international trip alone. It was kinda scary and stressful ; however, I am so glad that I went. I have wonderful memories with great people.
  • I have meet so many bloggers this year through Instagram and facebook blogging groups. I love how this community is so helpful.
  • The blog is growing. I have gained new readers and so excited to see the growth. I tried to connect with new readers this past year. In the new year, I will work to blog on a schedule. I am working to make A Word for Liu Miao better for readers in the new year. If you have any suggestions, comment below.
  • One important lesson that I am learning is Trust on God. This theme was very noticeable to me this year. God didn't have the answer that I wanted but He had the answer that was right for me.( though I don't always like his answer)
  • Making decisions is hard to do. This involves trusting God too. I decided my major for college, and I decided to postpone major surgery.
What are some important things that happen in your life? I would love to hear how 2017 went for you.

Have a good week.
~Liu Miao~


  1. I love this! I can definitely relate to learning to trust God more this year.

  2. Aaah, what an incredible year for you! Congratulations on your growing blog! Also, where did you travel to?
