- Learning how to cook is important. I love using new recipes. One should not eat out all the time or buy takeaway.
- College isn't that scary. It seems intimidating but there are many people/resources to help you.
- Chocolate and bread is an amazing snack.
- Not all Swiss mountains have snow year round.
- knowing a second language( or more) is important. you will never known when you will have to use that language(s).
- It is ok to change your goals in life. I changed my major in college.
- Don't let people discourage you
- My identity is in Christ. It is Him who defines who I am. Ethnicity, gender, personality and etc are apart of me but they don't define me. I am nothing without Christ.
- Comparison is not good and makes you ungrateful.
- Don't worry. God is in control. His answer may be different than you expected.
- Tea is amazing
- Blogging community is very welcoming and helpful.
- Hand lettering helps keep me calm.
- Changes are hard
- International traveling can be stressful but it is so much Fun.
- To do lists are super helpful.
- Memories from the pasts can hurt.
- time management is hard.
- think before talking
- technology is a great way to keep in touch with friends.
- Community within your family, friends is important
I hope you enjoyed reading 21 lessons that I have learned. Have a good holiday and great semesters. I would love to hear some lessons that you have learned.
~Liu Miao~