Thursday, October 5, 2017

Half way there

For many of us in college(at least in the US), October signifies the midpoint of the semester. This means midterms are coming up. Midterms is the week that professors give exams at the midpoint of the semester. This can be a very stressful time if you have all your exams in one week. Not all professors give exams during midterms. I was very happy that I had my exams early this semester. I actually like midterm week because it means that the semester is half way there.  Today, I will share some tips that can help you prepare for this week

1. Study ahead of time. it will be less stressful if you study in chunks and not all at one.  One will learn more when taking time to learn the material.

2. Don't do all nighters. This is not good. You need sleep to function. Being to exhauseted can cause a person to do poorly on an exam.

3. Eat food. healthy foods help your brain to function. It is so tempting to eat a whole bunch of junk foods or just not eat at all. Fruits are a good snack or salad.

4. Take a little  time for fun. There needs to be a balance. It is not good to study for 8 hours straight. Your brain needs a break. Take 10-15 minute breaks then go back to study.

5. Stay hydrated. This is very important. Water helps your body to function properly.

6. Try to eliminate distraction as much as possible. If you get distracted by your phone, keep your phone on silent for a little bit in order to study. If you need a quiet space, go study somewhere quiet. If friends distract you, don't study with them. It is good to find out what distracts you from studying and try to eliminate it. 

Have a good week of midterms. The semester is almost halfway there.  I would love to hear about any tips that have helped you during midterms week. Celebrate afterwards for surviving a stressful week(s) of exams. Have a good weekend full of studying and FUN.

~Liu Miao~

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