Since I am a new blogger, I thought that I would write a post about me. As you read my blog, you may wonder who is the person behind the blog. Here are ten facts about me.
1- I love food and desserts. Rice,pasta,beef jerky, and chocolate are a few of my favorites. From the list of foods, you can tell that I'm not the healthiest eater. I do try to incorporate healthy foods in my diet since I know it's good for me.
2- How I got the name for the blog.
It took me awhile to name my blog. Since I was adopted from China, I came with a Chinese name Liu Miao. If you don't know how Chinese names work, here is a quick explanation. Liu is the family name or surname. It would be the equivalent to what we call a last name in the United States. Miao is the given name. It us equivalent to what is called a first name. In the US, most people are called by their first name and then their last name. Chinese people invert the order
last name and then first name.
3- I live in Texas.
I live in north Texas. The weather in Texas is a bit strange at times. For example, there are times that I can wear shorts in December
4- I am a biology major.
I want to become a medical doctor someday. Since I have experienced the medical environment, I want a job in that setting. I love being in the hospital environment even though it can be painful at times.
5- Type A personality
I am more type A on certain things than other. For example, my room is not the most cleaned/organized room but I WILL be annoyed by crooked picture frames or anything else that hangs on a wall. I will erase the whiteboard when someone does not completely erases the board.
6- why I started the blog.
I like to help people. I wanted to help college students through writing. Even though I am only a freshman in college, I wanted to share tips that i have learned. Most of the ideas on the blog are my own unless stated. I will give credit to ideas that are not my own.
7- I have a BIG family !!!
I have six older siblings plus my my parents.There are 12 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. This is just the family in Texas.
8- I have a collection of pink pigs.
Almost every pig iteam I own is pink except for one piggy bank. I own three piggy banks, a pig ornament, a pig salt & pepper shakers, a pig foot massage, pig stuff animals, a pink pig pen that oinks, and a pig flashlight.
9- I LOVE spicy foods.
I come from a province that eats a lot of spicy foods. I like hot sauce. i put it on most foods except for dessert. Spicy ramen is one of my favorites. I would to try spicy foods from other cuisines.
10- I am a Christian
I believe in God and Jesus saved me from my sins. I read the Bible, pray, and involved in my church. I have certain beliefs BUT this DOES NOT mean that I will look down or bad mouth someone who does not share the same beliefs. I respect people who do not share the same beliefs.