are coming up for college students. They can be scary. It is never too early to
start preparing now. Even though I am a freshman, I have learned a few tips
that helped me survive midterms. I hope these tips can help you.
Find out when midterms are. This is obvious tip but a good one
to do. When you know when midterms are, you will be able to prepare for them.
You do not want to have them “sneak” up on you.
Don’t study last minute. This may not work for some students but
it helped me. I try to prepare about a week before the exam. If you work a lot,
try to study while commuting to work. Instead of listening to music try to talk
about the material to yourself. While getting ready, I would tell myself the
material that I need to know. During lunch break, study for the midterms. It is
also helpful to quiz yourself over the material
Stay hydrated. It is super important to drink water. I get
headaches when I don’t drink enough water. It is super hard to study when your
head is pounding. Keep a water bottler near you when studying.
Don’t study for long periods of time. I find it better to study
in chunks. It helps me retain the information better. My brain gets tired if I
do too much readings/studying. I like to give myself little breaks. Sometimes
for breaks I will do chores, make a snack, check social media, watch youtube
/Netflix, and text friends.
Get sleep. It can be hard to take a test with only three hours
of sleep. I do not recommend all nighters for any test. Some people may be able
to function with small amount asleep but a person generally feels more alert
with more sleep. Being sleep deprived is not a good thing.
I would love to hear how you study. Have a great day.