
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Graduation gifts!

Hello readers!

It is almost the end of the semester and some of us are graduating this year! I am not graduating this semester but I know a few people graduating from high school and college. It is an exciting time for those graduating. When there are graduations, there are usually parties and gifts. It can be difficult when buying a gift for a high school/ college graduate. Here are some gift ideas:

- Money/ gift cards.  Target, Walmart, best buy,  and home goods gift cards are great because the graduate can buy dorm/ apartment stuff.

- Gift cards to restaurants or to activities make great gifts. Many college students do not have extra money to spend on fun activities since our money goes to school bills and other living expenses. Students would appreciate the ability to do something fun without the worry of spending money. One can personalize the gift card according to the person.

- Care package. Fill a basket with things that a college student needs. One can personalize it according to the person. School supplies, candy, food, and small dorm items are some things to consider for a care package. There are so many things that one can put in a care package. This is a great personal gift.

Remember we are almost to the end of the semester. Congrats to those who are graduating from college and high school. You are entering into a new season of life. Since school is almost done, I will be posting more often. This semester has been super stressful with TAing and health problems. Don't forget to check awordwithlm on Instagram so you can  get a sneak peak into my life.

~Liu Miao~

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Finishing the semester strong

Hello Readers, there is about a month left of school for most college students. At this point of the semester, most of us are ready for the semester to be done and go have a great summer. It is so tempting to start slacking off in homework since the semester is almost done. We need to remember to finish the semester strong. Here are a few tips:

- Do extra credit. It can help boost your grade.  Even thought it might be 5 extra points, those points can determine if you get a B or an A. When I took government , I got Cs on all my exams but I ended up with an A in the class. Turning my homework on time and attending my class helped me get an A in government.

- Find out if your finals are cumulative or not. If it is cumulative, I would start reviewing the material from the beginning of the semester. It it's not cumulative, find out what chapters the exams are over and study those chapters very well. The less chapters an exam covers, the more detailed questions will be on the exam. Remember that final exams can be group presentations instead of a test.

- Find out when and what times your final exams are. This can help you  make a study guide for your finals.

Have a great week and finish the semester strong. What are your tips for finishing the semester strong?

~Liu Miao~

Friday, April 7, 2017

A Time for Everything

Ecclesiastes 3:1

There is a time for everything,
    and a season for every activity under the heavens:

I really love this verse. The rest of the chapter talks about a time for laughter, crying and etc. I am seeing the truth of this verse in my life. My life has been pretty easy. It really makes me think. Right now , I am in a season of struggling and learning to wait. It is hard to be in this season. Everything happens for a reason. I know God can use my struggles for something but I don't know what it is. One positive about struggles is that you can relate to others who are going through the same struggles. This can encourage your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ or just any person. What season are you in? Let's encourage one another in our different seasons in life.
~Liu Miao~